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Simplos modular shelves are the best solution for storing all types of light and medium-sized items. Quick and easy to assemble with the ability to adapt to the needs of any industry.

MECALUX quality control is ensured for all parts, guaranteeing easy and safe installation.

Load capacity on the shelf:


metāla plaukti par labām cenām.png
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  • Priekšrocības
    - Vietas ietaupīšana Modulāri ar dažādiem plauktu izmēriem, ātri un viegli saliekami un pārkārtojami. ​ - Daudzpusība Iespējams pielāgot protukta izkārtošanu, kā veikalam, tā noliktavai.
  • Rasējums
Anchor 2

Simplos Price Calculator

To determine the cost of the shelves you need, please use the price calculator.

After sending the request, our specialist will contact you.

Simpolos plaukti.png
Simplos plaukti papildsekcija.png

We provide a 3-year product warranty.

We guarantee quality in the long run!

Mezzanine platformas

Mezzanine platforms

The installation of mezzanine platforms is an ideal solution for efficient use of rooms with high ceilings - the surface area intended for storage is doubled or even tripled.


The platforms are easily adaptable to a wide range of needs and can be completed with assembly shelves.

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